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Introducing Sharon

A stalwart of the business, find out why Sharon is the heart and soul of Hendry's.

Describe your career
Growing up my dream was to join the Mounted Police Force. Back then you had to be 18 to join the Force, so after leaving school, I was employed as a junior accounts clerk at Village Roadshow head office to “fill in” until I turned 18. Needless to say, I never applied for the police force spending 10 years at Village Roadshow in a variety of roles alongside managing the books for my husband’s business. I went on to work in real estate, and a solicitor for many years.

How did you get into the bike business?
My brother Stephen was obsessed with bikes his whole life, having raced BMX as a kid and ridden MTB and road as a teen; so it wasn’t a surprise when he purchased Hendry’s in 1993. He asked me if I’d consider doing his books for the business and the rest is history!

How long have you been with Hendry’s?
I began working for Hendry’s in 1994 so this is my 30th year. Originally, I was only working two days a week but changed to full time when Stephen opened the shop in Grovedale and I became Manager at Ocean Grove.

What does your role comprise?
I’m the Administration Manager so it’s incredibly varied, but the main areas I manage are accounting, staff and rostering. When required, I also work on the shop floor and I’ve mastered fitting helmets on squirming kids.

What’s the most enjoyable part of working at Hendry's?
It must be a child receiving a surprise bike, or when they have saved all their money to buy their dream bike.
I’m immensely proud to work for a small local business that’s provided bikes to families over 3-4 generations.